

I DO: Matt & Brynn

So here is a little teaser for the bride. Enjoy! Thank U for letting me a part of this day. Have fun a great time in Florida on your honeymoon, relax and take it all in.


Christina said...

Gina!!! These are spectacular! I can't wait to see more. So inspiring and creative!

chris said...

What a gorgeous bride. She is stunning. You can just see the love on their faces.What an inspiration. You captured one of the best & most wonderful memories of their lives. Maybe in a year or so you will be taking pictures of my grandchild. (keeping my fingers crossed! LOL) Thanks Again Gina. I love the pictures and can't wait to see the rest.
Chris/Brynn's mom

Anonymous said...

I LOVE these pics! I can't wait to get the rest back, and I appreciate all the hard work you put into taking them. Matt and I appreciate it more than you'll know. You captured memories for us that are so priceless, and we wouldn't have wanted anyone else to do that for us.

Matt and Brynn Beukema

kristen ~ k.holly photography said...

Gorgeous pictures, Gina! Love the detail shots. And what a gorgeous bride!!

Ashley said...

Beautiful images! Love the detail on the dress.

I somehow ended up losing the email you sent with your new blog address, so I am glad you found me on facebook. Love it!

Anonymous said...

absolutely gorgeous. priceless pictures that were sooo well taken. great job, gina!! I can't wait to see more!
Brittany/ Brynn's cousin