If your a photographer doing what you love to do than your lucky. I know I am. Especially when I have great clients. One of the best things I can do is photograph family and capture memories what will be with them a lifetime. I can't believe how much time has gone by when I look at these two young men. I remember holding them in my arms when they were days old. Here they are grown young men. Thanks Marianna for allowing me to capture these for you and the boys.
Thanks for your comments on my bedroom makeover :) I love the pics from this session...VERY cool location! Wish I could find something like that around here. I love that big indoor space with the white brick walls and wood floors-FAB!
Um...you are rockin out these family sessions, Regina! I love the different angles...you are awesome, friend!!!
Love this family session!! Great job, Regina!
Fabulous family session, Gina!! I love all the window pictures and the one's outdoors-Awesome! :)
Holla for the new blog!!! It looks awesome girl!!
Loving that couch! So cool.
Thanks for your comments on my bedroom makeover :) I love the pics from this session...VERY cool location! Wish I could find something like that around here. I love that big indoor space with the white brick walls and wood floors-FAB!
These are delicious and bada$$ and fun!
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