Iheartfaces and Amy Wenzel Giveaway
No one has ever asked me to give them my story about myself ever. You
always meet people and tell them a little about yourself and where you
come from, what you do and so on. But do you really sit down and write
about yourself and who you are and where you’re going? Well not very
often as I should for good therapy. But my story begins where I came
I grew up in a home with just one parent. We had no money, hardly any
food and well we got clothes from people who would give them to us. It
was tough for my mom and I will tell you right now I don’t know if I
truly inspire others but my mom Gloria does. She’s inspired me to
become who I am today, who I should be, and how to live out dreams. It
always bring me to tears when I think about her going through a tough
divorce at the very same age as I am right now as I type this. She was
my age and had to raise two children alone. As we were growing up she
always made ends meet and has always given all her attention to us
(brother and I).
She has struggled through many medical issues, from cancer to losing
about 45% of her kidney function to the silent killer known at diabetes
that she lives with each and every day. This woman never complains,
never feels sorry for her self and always is thinking of everyone
else’s situation she just is an inspiration all together. Recently
she was in the hospital for a month and really I and the doctors
didn’t think she was going to make it. I felt like it’s not fair
for her to be in this state when I just became a mom (2 years ago), and
am starting to accomplish my dreams as a photographer. She is my number
one fan; she loves to see my work and hear my stories and hold her
grandson. This is what she does, she continues to push me to be a better
person, better mom, and wife all along while she says,” You have to be
a good person to teach others to be good people”. There is so many
things wrong with this world and she wants her grandson to grow up in a
world where he can inspire and follow his dreams.
I know winning this time with Amy will give me more confidence to move
ahead in my business yet learn more from someone who inspires me. Amy
inspires me with her talent as well as her love for family. The words
giving up aren’t in our vocabulary. Sometimes when we feel a looming
cloud we look for inspiration or a person who gives us inspiration. I
hope that if I don’t inspire someone now I will. Thanks to my mom who
continues to give herself 100+% to everyone around her. That to me is
true inspiration.
always meet people and tell them a little about yourself and where you
come from, what you do and so on. But do you really sit down and write
about yourself and who you are and where you’re going? Well not very
often as I should for good therapy. But my story begins where I came
I grew up in a home with just one parent. We had no money, hardly any
food and well we got clothes from people who would give them to us. It
was tough for my mom and I will tell you right now I don’t know if I
truly inspire others but my mom Gloria does. She’s inspired me to
become who I am today, who I should be, and how to live out dreams. It
always bring me to tears when I think about her going through a tough
divorce at the very same age as I am right now as I type this. She was
my age and had to raise two children alone. As we were growing up she
always made ends meet and has always given all her attention to us
(brother and I).
She has struggled through many medical issues, from cancer to losing
about 45% of her kidney function to the silent killer known at diabetes
that she lives with each and every day. This woman never complains,
never feels sorry for her self and always is thinking of everyone
else’s situation she just is an inspiration all together. Recently
she was in the hospital for a month and really I and the doctors
didn’t think she was going to make it. I felt like it’s not fair
for her to be in this state when I just became a mom (2 years ago), and
am starting to accomplish my dreams as a photographer. She is my number
one fan; she loves to see my work and hear my stories and hold her
grandson. This is what she does, she continues to push me to be a better
person, better mom, and wife all along while she says,” You have to be
a good person to teach others to be good people”. There is so many
things wrong with this world and she wants her grandson to grow up in a
world where he can inspire and follow his dreams.
I know winning this time with Amy will give me more confidence to move
ahead in my business yet learn more from someone who inspires me. Amy
inspires me with her talent as well as her love for family. The words
giving up aren’t in our vocabulary. Sometimes when we feel a looming
cloud we look for inspiration or a person who gives us inspiration. I
hope that if I don’t inspire someone now I will. Thanks to my mom who
continues to give herself 100+% to everyone around her. That to me is
true inspiration.

Wow! Beautifully written, beautiful mom, and I'm inspired by what you said. Thanks!!
I love your story. Your mom is gorgeous. I think a mom who loves her children and makes life as positive as possible is a real treasure. I am so glad you had a love like that!
Enjoyed your post! What a good role model your mother has been and that I am sure you are for your children.
What an inspiration your Mom has been. Wonderful story, thank you for sharing.
what an inspiration your Mom has been. Thanks for sharing your story. best of luck to you.
Aw Gina your Mom did a wonderful job raising you to be a wonderful woman!
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